Friday, March 28, 2014


How To Be A Good Wife 
...It has it’s challenges.  Of course, as a newlywed you have no clue. It’s a work in progress, but even in the challenges and differences you need to know you were made for each other, the differences are good and help make a marriage work.  You don’t need to have everything in common.
It takes time for 2 people to learn to live together.  You have to learn everything.  While you're dating you're busy trying to impress each other.  Marriage brings out everything, the good and the not so good, habits and faults. That is why you need to know that he is the one, for better or for worse.  In marriage you learn and understand that everything is not about you. You have to consider the other person in everything.  There’s a lot to consider and a lot to do.  We all have certain expectations, but both spouses need to know how to listen, communication is the key.
If you’re a good person, decent, giving, respectful, unselfish, forgiving and loving then you have great qualities to be a good wife.  Know your place.  Every home needs a head of household and income.  As I’ve been told, it can’t be 2 heads that’s a deformity and chaos. The Bible speaks that the husband is the head of the wife, which doesn’t mean she has no say in a matter, but he should lead lovingly. 
Men are logical and headliners. Women are emotional and detailed. It’s teamwork - two becoming one.  Where one is weak, the other may be strong.  Recognize those areas and use wisdom and work together.  There will be hits and misses, that’s how you grow together and get better at being a good wife.
A good wife has been through the ups and downs, squeezed and pressured and has learned how to turn lemons into lemonade because you were made for him.

Lorie Randle, aka RieRie
Sister, auntie, wife, Married 33 years.  Mother of a wonderful son and a daughter. Grandmother of two precious boys.  Occupation is office manager and radio program host.
Love music and singing. One of my favorite movies is "Dream Girls," because with hard work dreams do come true and if you fail or fall you can begin again.

Newest favorite artist is Mandisa