Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Wednesday Wellness Fast #2 Passion Fruit Smoothie

So, we started our first wellness fast last week. It went so so. Kind of got hungry towards end of day. But didn't give in and just ate some toast with a slice of cheese.

Here's the delish recipe.

Passionfruit Pulp
2 big handfuls of spinach - we found some great local brand
Blackberries - just to top it off
1 Banana (organic)
1 big scoop of vanilla ice cream (yeah...Blue Bell was so yummy)
Chia seeds to top it off

Chia seeds were used by ancient Mayan soldiers to ward off hunger. So there a great item to add to smoothies to fill you up.

To make this fun and interesting, we're going to go shopping to see if we can find some cute Mason jars to put our smoothies in every week.

Have fun with it. But remember, Fast Day - no meat, no alcohol, no fish. It's just fruit and veggie day. If you're not into smoothies, you can also make good homemade veggie soups. A favorite is Tomato Basil. We'll be posting up a recipe on that soon.

Remember, your fast day is just taking time out to not consume and be in that mode where you are only thinking about what you are eating and doing. It just allows your mind to focus on other things. It's mind over matter really.

Fasting is a lifestyle and should be incorporated into your daily routine. Use the time to remember what you're thankful for - sometimes it's so easy to focus on negative things, we forget all the blesssings no matter how big or small.

Have a great Fast Day!