Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Wednesday Fast Day #4 - Guava Green Smoothie

Green smoothies are a wonderful way to get all the wonderful health benefits of vegetables and fruits in a simple and delicious way.

We wanted to create a power house of green veggies and fruits. Check it out and decrease or add to it as your taste buds dictate. Guavas are not really that least the package we had and especially because we added the spinach to it. The ginger taste gave it a kick. So if you don't like ginger, you can leave it out.

Have fun with it and make sure to include a green smoothie in your weekly meal plans.

1 cup of raw coconut water
4 pieces of organic pineapple
4 big handfuls of organic spinach
Guava Fruit Pulp (Goya) or fresh Guava fruits
A handful of blackberries
1 scoop of vanilla ice cream (Blue Bell -our favorite)
8 tablespoons of brown sugar
1/2 cup of cranberry juice
1 organic lime
1/2 tsp of turmeric
1/2 tsp of ginger
1 cup of orange juice

We're also going to try out this guava smoothie recipe by What's Gaby Cooking? Check it out here!