Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Wednesday Wellness Fast #7 - Rooibos Mango Tea Smoothie

Rooibos tea is another wonderful gift from Mother Africa. It's quite strong and fruits that seem to complement its flavors are mangos, peaches and pineapple. You can't taste the mint much but adding fresh mint to any of your smoothies is always a healthy and yummy thing. We didn't need any sugar as the vanilla ice cream gave us that sweetness. Chop up your fruits and veggies and then just stick them in your blender. Let the flavors seep and let your smoothie mix rest for about 2 hours before you drink it.

Be sure to check out this article - 10 Amazing Health Benefits of Rooibos Tea


1 tsp of Chia seeds
1 teabag of Red Rooibos Tea - We make tea in about a 32 oz glass tumbler but make it to your needs
1/2 cucumber peeled and diced
1 medium carrot chopped and diced
1 handful of grapes
2 cups of your choice of mangos, peaches and pineapples
1 handful of raspberries
2 tbsp of fresh mint leaves
1 tsp of fresh grated coconut
4 big scoops of Blue Bell Vanilla Ice Cream