Saturday, September 13, 2014

Fall 2014 Health & Beauty Bootcamp - Financial Wellness - TITHING we all know what it's like when the budget is tight, and there's not enough money. Being poor sucks! You can't go where you want to go. Do what you want to do. It's like a part of life is just cut off. The world seems to revolve around money and the acquisition of it. If you spend too much, well, poverty comes knocking around the door. And who is not in debt up to their eyeballs these days?

Our financial health is just as important as our physical health. Not having enough finances causes stress, which then impacts our physical, spiritual and emotional health.

Just like there are business cycles with ups and downs, we all experience those financially. The key to overcoming those situations and being healthy financially begins with our spirit and our mind.

Sweet Escapes by Zajigirl stands firmly on the principle that the Hebrews who wrote the Bible - were ancient kings and priests who knew a thing about life. They were responsible for passing on important information to us so we could live and thrive. They had major responsibilities running empires, dealing with community problems from things as simple as agriculture to major political issues and wars.

So we use the Hebrew Bible as our guiding light. And some of the important principles it presents are tithing, the idea that our word sound power creates our realities and also that poverty is a curse!

Our finances tell us alot about ourselves and can give us clues on problem areas we need to address spiritually and psychologically.

Check out this prayer and meditation by Brother Carlos. It's a 1-hour Prayer that speaks to breaking any financial curses we have in our lives. Curses are just negative words and sounds that have taken hold in our lives - sometimes for generations and sometimes just due to our ignorance and laziness.

Our faith and our ability to change our situations rests squarely on the things that we hear AND do. We just turn this prayer on at least once a week while we are cooking, cleaning, what have you.... When you play it enough, it sticks in your mind and it's amazing how words that we speak and hear manifest in our lives.