Monday, August 25, 2014

Happy End of Summer - Announcing Sweet Escapes By Zajigirl Fall 2014 Beauty Bag

Hey everyone,

Hope you've had a wonderful summer! We took a little hiatus to work on our beautiful organic beauty collection...and well we hope you'll love it.

We love African Botanicals. It seems like there's always something new and amazing that we discover from Mother Africa. Each season we'll be presenting our favorite picks of organic beauty botanicals we ABSOLUTELY LOVE. They are luxurious, amazing in their health and beauty properties and you'll wonder how you could ever live without them.

For Fall 2014, we're presenting a beautiful unrefined Nilotica Shea Butter infused with cold-pressed pomegranate seed oil. Stay tuned for our updates, and why we chose these two beautiful trees for our Fall 2014 Beauty Bag.

We've also decided to get serious about our health and beauty lifestyle focus. It's so easy to start a New Years Resolution and then lose momentum. Well not us. Fall 2014 is the beginning of our year and we're calling it a 12-month Healthy & Beauty bootcamp.

We need to get healthy - mind, body and spirit and so it begins. We've got some exciting things planned.

Stay tuned!

The Zajigirl Team